Proverbs 24:3-4

By wisdom a house is built, and through understanding it is established; through knowledge its rooms are filled with rare and beautiful treasures. Proverbs 24:3-4

Sunday, September 26, 2010

Financial Peace report

We have just finished our 5th class of 13 in Dave Ramsey's Financial Peace University.  Everyone   submitted a 3 x 5 card (no name) stating the amount of consumer debt (excluding house mortgage).  Although the total was $632,378.00 for about 14 families, the truth is that's pretty normal. 

Great reports are coming in:  One man got better paying job; some have finished Baby Step One ($1000 in the bank so they can stop using credit when an emergency comes); another has paid off $3000 in debt; we had a terrific Ebay class and learned how to sell "stuff"; and we have scheduled a multi-family garage sale to help get Baby Step One for the others in the class.  We have found that any amount of debt takes the fun out of life and also keeps us from being able to give to special needs in others when they arise.

Hallelujah!  HOPE is rising in hearts that before were very discouraged.  All are commited to change their future!  Why don't you find a class in your area?  It teaches so much more than being debt free.

Old saying on "stuff"

Use it up ... Wear it out
Make it do ... Do without

It seems we not only don't know this advice, but don't want to know it either.  It puts things in proper perspective and we usually find that we really didn't need "it" anyway.  While we're getting out of debt, there are so many things we can do to stretch our money.  After you "get rich", you can buy it new and buy it for other people too.  "Til then, see above".

Saturday, September 18, 2010

My Hero

My dear husband is my Hero.  We've been married 47 years and although our lives have changed very much, we have maintained our love and commitment to each other.  Jesus Christ has been the center of our lives and we have so much to be thankful for.   Our very first decision when we married was that we would tithe 10% of our income to God.  Because of His wonderful promises in Malachi 3, we've been blessed with a wonderful family and so many other things that money cannot buy.  As we moved around with the military, God always placed us near a great church where we could grow in Him and raise our family.  It is truly a great blessing to attend a church where you are taught the Bible, and can fellowship and grow with great Christians.  I urge you to find a good church and attend with your family. 

Name brands vs. store brands

Many people clip coupons to reduce their shopping costs. Consumer Reports October 2010 issue compares the prices of brand name products with store brands of the same item.   To find the best deal, compare the reduced price with the price of a store's own brand.  Many times the contents are identical because of a contract price.  If the store brand is less expensive, buy one container to try it out.  If there's no real difference, save the pennies.  If the brand name product is really essential, then buy it.  Give the store brands a try as you may save more than you thought.

Thursday, September 16, 2010

Hats off!

We are so excited about the students in our Dave Ramsey's Financial Peace University classes.  They have decided to make a serious difference in their financial picture.  Dave has the best financial information that we know about and everyone should take advantage of these 13 week classes which are usually held at a church.  Check his website,, for a class near you.  It might be the best $100 you'll ever spend.


Old saying:

"If your outgo exceeds your income,
your upkeep will be your downfall!"

Did school supplies wipe you out?

School comes at the end of every summer, and still it surprises us with the cost.  On the surface, it's easy to remember clothes for school, but there are so many other expenses:  books, clubs, fees, backpacks, etc.  Suggestion:  Tally up what you actually spent this year, divide the number by 12 and begin to set aside 1/12 each month in a special savings account.  Every time you save for expenses, you can enjoy the event so much more.  The same will hold true for other once-a-year expenses like Christmas.  If the event has already passed, rethink it and total the cost and divide as above.  Your life will not have as many road bumps nor financial crises.  This may sound impossible and it probably will be the first year,  but work toward this goal for next year.  This works equally well for items to purchase, vacations, and desires of your heart.  In Proverbs 10:4, the Bible says, "He becometh poor that dealeth with a slack hand: but the hand of the diligent maketh rich".  Hang in there - you're going to make it!

Monday, September 6, 2010

DO Plan for Tomorrow

I watched a very sobering movie tonight.  I think the name was "Make Room For Tomorrow" made in  the 1930's.  An elderly 70 year old couple had their home foreclosed and had to go live with their children, but not together.  Because their children weren't financially able or have the room to care for them both, one went with a daughter - the other with a son.  They were never able to live together again after 50 years of marriage.   Most adult children are not geared financially or emotionally to "raise" their parents.  We know there are nursing homes for those who are old and sick, but what about those who are old and broke, but not sick.  It's important to think through this process and make financial changes as necessary.  A little extra planning now will give you a bright future so you can finally enjoy all of the things you dream of.

Saturday, September 4, 2010

Take Dave Ramsey's Financial Peace course

One of the easiest ways to get a handle on your finances is to enroll in Dave Ramsey's FINANCIAL PEACE UNIVERSITY classes. They are once a week for 13 weeks and will completely retrain your thinking on basic finances. Go to his website to find the class in your area. You will need to buy a kit plus shipping for about $100. You will be so glad you did! He also has books about the material which is available at most bookstores.

Welcome to financial ideas to help you win!

Are you struggling with debt?

Do you sincerely want to get ahead in your finances?
Are you wondering which way to go to accomplish your financial goals?
Do you want to create a budget that works and build savings?
Can you even imagine how it will feel to be totally debt free and no longer have to make payments?
Won't you enjoy having the money you need ahead of time?

Sit back, take a deep breath and relax and enjoy these suggestions to help you make your money work for you instead of against you.