Proverbs 24:3-4

By wisdom a house is built, and through understanding it is established; through knowledge its rooms are filled with rare and beautiful treasures. Proverbs 24:3-4

Monday, October 8, 2012

Purity for Young Believers

Julie Hiramine taught an all day seminar called Generations of Virtue at our grandson's Christian school in Singapore.  Being the mother of five children as well as having older adopted children, she was concerned about the material taught in schools concerning sex eduction.  In addition to help for parenting and advice on dating, she has researched sex education for our young people, has written a few books and has also gathered all the published books that Christians can use to help their children understand how much purity matters to God and to us.  All of the books she recommends has gone through rigorous examination to be sure they reflect Bible principles.

She, her family and about six workers were on a nine week tour teaching parents what to do, what to look for and books to help them train up their children.  Generations of Virtue is a non-profit and totally volunteer organization.  They went into Thailand, Indonesia and several other places to teach sex education to the kids in the Christian school. 

Her information was straight forward and very useful.  You can look it up at
Some of the books she recommends is:  "Against The Tide" for preschool through 4th grade; "The Wonderful Way Babies are Made"; "The Swimsuit Lesson" concerning off limits touching; "Beautifully Made" book for young girls;  "Lintball Leo's not-so-stupid Questions about your Body" for boys 10-13 years; "Hero" about saving your first kiss for your wedding; a beautiful retreat in a box for mother and daughter or father and son called, "Passport to Purity"; and "Preparing your son for every Man's battle".  These books are available on her website or

Julie strongly encouraged the parents to teach their children to redirect their eyes away from wrong things to learn self-control; to monitor their language by calling them on infractions; to be very aware of pornography.
Her younger helpers gave reports on things for parents to do or watch very carefully with their young people:  Media: what are they watching; Games: watch what they play - some problems are not evident until a child gets to the upper levels of the game; Cell Phones:  monitor who they call, have a policy that all cell phones are turned in to parents at 9 p.m.; Movies: keep away from sex scenes and/or use them if they come up as teachable moments... are they married?;  Sleep Overs:  Really know what's going on over there.  Know what friends parents believe; Music:  Know what the lyrics say.  Hire a trustworthy teen to read or listen to the music and give you a report.

Her final advice is to help our young people awaken their love for God through reading the Bible, listening to worship songs, going to church, and going to Youth Group so that they don't awaken romantic love until they are married.

This wonderful information will help you wage a strong warfare for your young people.  They will be our family leaders, our church leaders and our country's leaders.  They are definitely worth the effort of a great life."

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