Proverbs 24:3-4

By wisdom a house is built, and through understanding it is established; through knowledge its rooms are filled with rare and beautiful treasures. Proverbs 24:3-4

Sunday, November 21, 2010

Do you have papers everywhere?

It is so confusing to find a paper that y ou need.  Most people file "last date on top" and end up with a whole pile of miscellaneous information.  A better way is to buy a box of manilla folders ($5-6) and make up file folders and store in a box, a filing cabinet, or a drawer.  Nothing is worse than needing a document and being faced with a huge stack of mismatched papers.  Here is a general outline for making up your files.  Use this list as a beginning and then add whatever your household needs to keep organized:

A General
     Address Lists
     Automobile -1
     Automobile -2
 B General
     Bank - Checking
     Bank - Savings
     Bank - Debit Card
     Bank - Credit Card (if at a bank)
     Birth Certificates
     Budget Plan/Finances planning
C General
     Child #1 _______
     Child #2 _______
     Child #3 _______
     Civic Association  
     Credit Card #1 ______
D General
E General
     Employment records #1 _____
     Employment records #2 _____
F General
G General
     Gift information (family and friends)
H General
     Home General
     Home - Appliances & Equipment Warranties
     Home - Small appliances, toys, etc. warranties
     Home - Gas
     Home - Electric
     Home - Telephone
     Home - Cell phones
     Home - Mortgage Company
     Home - Yard and Gardening
     Home - Previously sold properties
I General
     Immunization records
     Income Tax - previous years
     Income Tax - this year
     Insurance - Automobile
     Insurance - Home
     Insurance - Home contents (or renters insurance)
     Insurance - Life #1
     Insurance - Term
     Insurance - Medical
J General
K General
L General
M General
     Magazines, newspapers & Associations
N General
O General
P General
     Powers of attorney
Q General
R General
     Retirement information
S General
     Safe Deposit Box information
     School Information
     Social Security Information
     Stocks,  Bonds & Royalties
T General
U & V General
W General
     Wills (copy)
X - Y - Z General

Use whatever files benefit your home system  Add your own file needs to this list, cross off what you don't need and then assemble your own filing system. 

**  Another really important organizational item for me is to have a "bill box"  - a specific place where all important mail (bills, checks, short term special information) is put immediately upon entry to the house.  It should be an important hands-off location that no one messes with.  It saves so much time and anxiety when its time to pay the bill or execute the action.



Sunday, November 14, 2010


We have only one more of Dave Ramsey's FINANCIAL PEACE UNIVERSITY classes to go before we complete the 13 week course.  Three people handed in their figures stating their debt beginning August 29 and what it is now.  They have each paid off about $5000 in these 12 weeks.  The others will turn theirs in next week and we'll have the final figure.  They are happy campers.  There is a light at the end of the tunnel and they've found that it is NOT a train.  What a great course this is. 

Some people think that Dave is telling them how to spend THEIR money.  Others think their financial situation is so grim that they are embarassed to have anyone else know.  The truth is:  no one knows your finaces nor does Dave tell you what you must do.  He only gives you the truth and you figure out where you can win better.  My desire is that everyone - teens on up to old age - take this course.  I know of no other that gives not only gives Bible-based information, but shows you how to implement it.  People feel like they have been let out of prison. 

Sunday, November 7, 2010

Something to check out!

I'm understanding that some of the new cameras have a GPS tag in their photos that designate exactly where you are when you took the picture (if at home, everyone knows where you live).  You must turn that feature off for each picture or it is embedded.  You may want to find out more information.  Some popular people moved after posting a picture as they were no longer under the radar.